France Cracks Down on Gambling Ads Targeting Youth
France is taking a stricter stance on gambling advertisements, particularly those directed at a younger demographic. The nation’s gaming authority, ANJ, is apprehensive about the increase in wagering promotions, especially during prominent sporting events such as the 2020 European Championship. They argue that these advertisements frequently focus on young individuals and present an illusion of effortless victories, which is deceptive and possibly detrimental.
A recent survey revealed that over half of French adults perceive an excessive amount of gambling advertisements, with many believing they possess addictive qualities. To combat this, France is examining other European nations that have already implemented measures to restrict these types of promotions. They are seeking public feedback on the most effective ways to regulate gambling advertising, including gathering perspectives from various groups and investigating available tools.
Frances gaming regulator, the ANJ, is initiating a public dialogue concerning wagering promotions. Their objective is to ensure the safeguarding of young and at-risk individuals, a fundamental principle in France’s stance on gambling.
To gather comprehensive feedback, they are conducting surveys, facilitating discussions and workshops, and even organizing dedicated sessions for industry representatives. The ANJ’s leader, Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, stressed that wagering advertisements impact everyone, not just those who partake in gambling. This presents an opportunity for all French citizens to express their views on harmonizing advertising with responsible gaming practices. The ANJ will utilize this input to formulate suggestions for a revised “societal agreement” on gambling promotions.