Swedish Gaming Giants Unite for Transparency on Compulsive Gambling
Gaming providers in Sweden, including ATG, Svenska Spel, and Kindred Group, have partnered to illuminate the issue of compulsive gambling on their platforms. Through the periodic release of vital figures, their goal is to encourage transparent dialogue and data-driven strategies for reducing gambling-associated harm.
This joint endeavor centers around four critical data points, disseminated semi-annually: the proportion of users identified for potential gambling problems, the efficacy of preemptive measures in limiting gambling behavior, the typical decrease in wagering among those individuals, and the fraction of contacted patrons opting for self-exclusion.
This openness initiative holds particular weight given that more than 50% of Swedish adults participate in some type of gambling, according to the Swedish Public Health Agency. This widespread engagement, however, stands in stark contrast to the public’s limited confidence in the gaming sector.
Henrik Tjärnström, Chief Executive Officer of Kindred Group, stresses the significance of responsibility and ongoing progress: “By transparently sharing these essential metrics, we equip stakeholders to monitor and assess our continuous endeavors to tackle problem gambling through a multi-pronged strategy encompassing regulation, technology, research, and human engagement.”
They held the belief that transparency and honesty, allowing the evidence to be self-evident, represent the optimal approach to cultivating confidence within the gaming sector. The aspiration is that this will even motivate other companies to adopt a similar course of action.
A steadfast dedication to excluding problematic gambling has always been paramount, and this recent endeavor with ATG and Svenska Spel elevates openness within the Swedish market to an unprecedented degree.